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Approval Given For Highway Marker

December 12, 2024

Dear Ms. Curry,

I am pleased to inform you that the Board of Historic Resources voted on December 12 to select the “Brookvale High School” marker proposal as one of the projects that will advance in the process toward becoming a state highway marker.

The actual text of the marker has not yet been approved. In the coming weeks, DHR staff will conduct a detailed fact check of the proposed marker text and will work with you to edit and finalize the draft that will be presented to our Marker Editorial Committee. Our objective will be to cover the most historically significant elements of the topic within the 700-character length limit. Our goal is to present the final text to the Virginia Board of Historic Resources for official approval on March 20, 2025.

Thank you for your interest in educating the public through the state highway marker program, and please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions at this stage.

Best wishes,

Jennifer R. Loux, Ph.D.

Highway Marker Program Manager

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2 reviews
  • Jessica Davis
    4:41 pm - December 16, 2024. Reply

    This is so exciting and a wonderful way to mark history! Great addition to the county!
