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The Elite Educator: Mr. Frank Thornton

Brookvale High School was the new modernized high school for the Black Lancaster County community; a brick building with indoor facilities, regular public school transportation for the surrounding areas; a standard to grow upon; the seeds sown by A. T. Wright High School planted in the rich soil of education.

Transplants from one fertile soil to another; strong, healthy roots to continue the growth of crops of young eager minds. The teachers, the administrators, and the staff of the Black public school systems were the caretakers of the crop of excellence that was the standard of Black education in all the counties of The Northern Neck of VA.

One of those caretakers, along with his wife, Bettye Jean Parker Thornton, was Mr. Frank Thornton.

Please read this excerpt from Richmond Magazine about one of Brookvale High School’s elite educators.
“With our increasing diversity, it is easy to forget how white suburban leaders not that long ago were creating systems that relegated Black citizens to second-class status. Unfortunately, white anger, fear and animosity still exist across our Richmond region in shaping public policy and political representation. We’ve been down that path before, and the only way out is to have more diverse and thoughtful voices like Frank Thornton representing us, not fewer.


Frank Junius Thornton, retired French Professor and Political Figure on February 7, 2025 at the 160th Founders Day at Virginia Union University in Richmond, VA, where his portrait was unveiled as an icon.

Watch on YOUTUBE    –   VUU TV Founders Day

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